November 14, 2024 | Essays
How to De-Google your life
There is growing discontent with big tech companies like Google and Microsoft. There are others like Facebook, but the prior are more prominent because we depend on them more in day-to-day life. It’s the dependency that scares me. There are a few stories about people losing access to large swathes of information because some random Google algorithm incorrectly flagged their account. The most notable is this incident of the creator of Terraria. I was also...
June 24, 2024 | Essays
How To Predict The Future
This blog was originally posted on LinkedIn When I was a kid, I read a book called “Tas and the Postal Rocket“, it’s a story about a boy who accidentally stows away on a rocket used for delivering mail. Written in the 1950’s the fictitious postal rocket was a machine that had the potential to deliver mail in 90mins to anywhere in the world. In the 50’s this would have been revolutionary. To me, the 90’s...
January 15, 2023 | Essays
You don’t want to be famous
Wouldn’t it be nice if people noticed? This is a question that I’ve asked myself many times. Perhaps, not outright. But, something similar has crossed my mind. Wouldn’t it be nice if my boss noticed how hard I am working? Wouldn’t it be nice if people noticed my pictures on Instagram? Many people, myself included, have tricked into thinking that fame would change their lives. They’re not wrong. Fame WILL change your life. There is...
June 11, 2022 | Essays
Divergent vs Convergent Seasons
When I find something that I am interested in, I tend to be a very passionate person. When I was 10 I picked up a digital camera for the first time and I have been interested in photography ever since. When I was 12, I started playing drums. Later on in my teen years I picked up coding and got into web development, this has led to my current fill time job as an eCommerce...
June 08, 2022 | Essays
Breaking News and Milk
Part I Breaking News Some poeple will tell you that the term “Breaking News” came from before the internet. When we still used the print press, breaking news was important enough to “break” the already set type to accommodate the story: Before the internet, the final draft of the newspaper would be fixed in a case for printing. Casing was only done once the news was finalized yet under rare circumstances when some changes were...
February 05, 2022 | Essays
Why I decided to start a degree at age 25
Why I am doing a degree When I was in 9th grade, I begged my mother to let me leave school and go do a trade. I hated school. When I got to my final year of high school, I still had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. If I could go back in time, I’d give twelfth grade me a big slap in the face and tell him to work...
December 12, 2021 | Essays
Smart Lists – an alternative to social media for consuming content
What is a Smart List? Smart Lists are websites that are good at understanding what type of content you enjoy. The first thing that comes to mind is Facebook, Tiktok, Youtube or even Netflix. These platforms are all good at hyper-personalized content. But, these are not intuitive ways of consuming content. The algorithm is designed to keep you on the platform for as long as possible. Much less, to show you the most relevant piece...
November 27, 2021 | Essays
Elon Musk’s 5 Manufacturing Principles
This won’t be the first time that I am writing about Elon Musk. There is a good reason for this. Like many other technology nerds, I am infatuated with Elon’s ability to approach some of the worlds largest problems systematically and methodically. In a recent interview Elon spoke to Tim Dodd about the 5 Manufacturing Principles that govern SpaceX’s Starship Development Program. Before I outline the 5 principles, I think it’s important to provide some context....
February 11, 2021 | Essays
SpaceX Lessons: How to inspire the impossible
A common issue that many leaders face is getting their followers to achieve something difficult, some might say “impossible”. How do the greatest leaders inspire their followers into achieving things that are hard, difficult or outright impossible? One such leader is Elon Musk. Now I have a bit of a fascination infatuation with Musk. Perhaps this is because my entire life, people have told me that certain things are impossible, to which my reply has...
January 14, 2021 | Essays
Why I am deleting WhatsApp
I am writing this blog to answer questions I have received from friends and family. This blog is not to try and get everyone on the “Leave WhatsApp” bandwagon, or to cause mass panic. There has been a lot of drama around WhatsApp and Facebook recently. Facebook, who owns WhatsApp has recently forced users to accept the new terms and conditions. If you don’t accept by the 8th of Feb your access will be cut....